Thursday, April 29, 2010

Surviving the End of the Year

Now, there is one time every semester that students have never been more cranky, hyped up on coffee, and crying themselves to sleep at night from computer malfunctions and pure exhaustion. That's right people, the word that strikes fear into the heart of many, FINALS. Now as I write this I have already finished my Drawing portfolio and a 9 page take-home sociology final with definitions, short responses and essay. What I have left are a 15 page take-home to complete by next Wednesday, a Philosophy of Religion exam on Tuesday and my Italian final on Thursday.

I am one of the lucky students whose remaining work and finals are pretty spaced out and easy to manage time-wise. But most students have experienced the horror of realizing you have a Biology exam on the same day as your Statistics exam. So for those of you who are trembling at the thought of impending doom that is finals, here is some quick advice.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I have seen more people freak out about an exam and then come out not only alive but saying that it "wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Chances are you know much more about your exams than you realize, so keep that in mind. You stressing your exams is only going to make it worse. Do not start hyperventilating 2 weeks before your exam. It is not helping anything. Stay calm. Be logical. Don't waste your time on things you know. And remember to breathe through the stress. (Practice this now, I am a personal fan of the in and out of the nose, but its whatever works for you)

Pace yourself. Guess what, the easiest way of surviving finals is to NOT CRAM. Yes I am aware I sound like your mom. I (and she) are correct though, biologically it takes time for your brain to accumulate information and it can only learn so much in one day. Do a little bit every day leading up to your exam or due date and by the time you get there you will be amazed how much you have actually accomplished.

Sleep. No one likes Zombies, they are scary. You going three days without sleep and staying in the library until last class is not healthy. Your body needs sleep, needs time to recharge. Plus, lack of sleep means a crash later and I have seen too many of my friends crash BEFORE they intended to, like say at their final. I do not mean to be scary, it just frustrates me when the world thinks they are Edward Cullen and don't need sleep. You do need sleep by the way.

Breaks. If you need a break, take it. It is that simple. If you are having a writers block, can't look at your engineering problems anymore or simply cannot read another word of Italian, just go. You will not accomplish anything staring at a computer or page but not being able to see it. Take a walk outside, go to the gym, watch a favorite tv show, eat an apple (more natural energy boosters than a cup of coffee), shower, do something for you.

Get in the zone. Most importantly when dealing with anything that has to do with finals or the end of the year is to know what works for you. I work best on the second floor of the library, in the afternoons while listening to Pandora, alone. Some people need the basement cubicles and complete silence. I have friends that have to go to Starbucks religiously to be able to focus. Just know what works and do it. If you can't do work with your best friend next to you, tell her to go away. If you are a facebook addict, turn on your Internet connection. Just know and do what works best for you to get your work done.

In short, breathe, pace yourself, sleep, take breaks and do what works for you. Don't be afraid, there are 2000 other students at Saint Mike's that feel your pain and know what you are going through. And 500ish seniors that have had 8 semesters of this, and are now graduating happy and alive. Good luck, I'll be in the library if you need me :-)

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