Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring at Saint Mikes

Survival Guide for Spring

While I love every season equally and try very hard not to discriminate, even I have been known to choose a favorite. And right now, I have two words to describe my life, Spring Oriented. Spring at Saint Mike's is everything the admission brochures make it out to be, and I am not just saying that. Purple and yellow flowers compliments of grounds, greener than green grass in the quad with first-years sitting on it, Frisbee games which start out small but get VERY large. Everything about spring at Saint Mikes makes me convinced nothing could be better (except maybe when it snows but that's a different story).

Since I love spring so much while packing I realized there are a few spring essentials every Saint Mike's student must have.

North Beach - Unknown to most incoming first-years students our CCTA bus passes not only get students into Burlington but also on the entire CCTA bus line. Which means among other fun places to take it, a student can hypothetically jump on the #2 bus, go from Saint Mike's to Burlington and grab the #7 from Burlington right to North Beach. While this allows for the perfect mode of transportation to the beach, growing up on a beach has taught me a few of the essentials for a perfect beach day. Towel, Sunscreen, Bathing suit, Flip Flops, Sweat shirt. Towel, I am not talking using the towel you use every day to take a regular shower, get a beach towel, they are made for the purpose and it will save a trip to the laundry room.

Sunscreen, No I am not your mother but I have seen some really bad sunburns (and sun poisoning on myself) and trust me, its preventable in SO MANY WAYS. USE SUNSCREEN, IT DOESN'T DO HARM.

Bathing suit, its a no brainer, you need one at a beach even if you decide the water is too cold to dive straight in. It is a beach, a bathing suit is necessary.

Flip-flops, one word, Shoobies (hint: Rocket Power) enough said.

Sweatshirt, after the full day in the sun and water of Champlain you will experience the third element of Champlain, wind. You will need a sweatshirt. Trust me.

Quad - The brochure does not lie, students do indeed lie in the grass in quad and in front of the library at Saint Mike's. And guess what, we do it all the time! Vermont winters make us all crave the sun so we utilize it as much as possible when we get it. While some people abuse the privilege and skip class to enjoy the weather, in between classes and the afternoons are good enough for me. Essentials for this most awesome of ways to spend warm afternoons? Designated grass blanket, portable speakers, outdoor sports equipment and if really ambitious and get a tailgating grill.

Designated grass blanket, yes I realize it may seem silly but trust me, you will not want all your friends sitting on your comforter when you realize they are not going to respect the no shoes on the blanket rule. So get a cheap blanket or use one that you needed in the depths of winter or steal one from your parents and use that instead. Much less hussle and there won't be grass and mud clumps covering your bed!

Portable speakers, everyone loves music and why not have it be a soundtrack to your beautiful spring day. If you are lucky your roommate has portable speakers that use batteries. If not, computers work great (and that way you are lucky enough to have your whole music library). If you are really lucky one of the many musicians or bands we have on campus will be practicing outside and then there is no outside music required.

Outdoor sports equipment, in the simplest terms, Frisbees, wiffleball bats and balls, bikes, scooters, footballs, soccer balls, rugby balls, tricycles. Anything and everything that you can use to have fun. Grab your friends, challenge the floor beneath you, and play!

Grill, maybe a little bit out of the budget, BUT Saint Mike's Residence Life is usually nice enough to grill outside during the end of the semester. Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Veggieburgers and dogs, Free food. No need to explain what is to enjoy there.

The Bad Days - Even though Saint Mike's is the best, happiest place on the earth (except maybe Disney World), there are those days when you look out your window and see one thing. Grey. Notorious for quick changes in the weather, do not fret, just remember to keep the essentials for those rainy, grey days.

Raincoat, the brighter and more colorful the better. Mine is teal blue and it always brightens my day when I see an array of rainbow color coats walking towards the Academic buildings. Keep in mind it should be long enough to cover all of your mid-section and that a hood is a must.

Rain boots, this may be more geared toward the ladies out there, but a nice pair of waterproof boots are essential to brave the rivers that pop up next to sidewalks in spring. I myself prefer the up to the knee, patterned kind that allow me to let my inner 5 year old out and allow me to trudge straight thru puddles instead of going around them.

Weather report, as I said before Vermont's weather changes very very rapidly. This morning I woke up, it was grey but dry. Then the skies opened up sometime during my first class and it torrential down poured for 4 hours. Luckily the weather had semi-cleared up again before I had my tour. And this afternoon it was beautiful although muddy. This is a very typical day. Check the weather report every morning. Avoid catastrophe.

Regardless, enjoy spring. Make the best of the rain and trust that in an hour it will be 75 degrees and sunny. Have a great day!

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