Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mt. Cook!

October 1st to 3rd!

Sometimes in life (meaning my life in New Zealand) I have found it is just necessary to have a good wander. We decided last weekend was a good time for that type of wander. Wander entails renting a car, driving somewhere, camping, cooking, drinking, fire, exploring and general tramping through life.

And that’s basically what we did. Gabe aka Chief rented a car, and Sesno, Allie, Michael, John, Dane, Meg and I piled in it. We left Dunedin on Friday with basically no plan but eventually to make it to Mount Cook. Mount Cook is the highest peak in New Zealand.

So drive we did, up the east coast, hitting a very interestingly entitled Shag Point and thru the middle over some farmlands (so rare in New Zealand) and onward to the west coast. After some quick stops for stretching, chili ingredients, beer and the all important toilet, we eventually made it to our destination. Lake Tekaepo (take – a – poo) I wish I could pretend that’s not what the boys called it all weekend. After deciding we were not paying 15 dollars a person to camp in a campsite we drove until no one was around. Parked the car and set up camp. Dinner was, chili, it barely fit into the big pot we had, it was delicious! John and Chief braved the elements and slept outside while the other 6 of us got nice and cozy in a 4 person tent.

In the morning we awoke to something even more beautiful than we were expecting. I got to watch the sun rise over the mountains behind us while being able to turn in the opposite direction to look over Lake Takepo framed by more mountains behind it. There are no words to describe how beautiful and at peace with the world I felt in that moment.

After everyone else woke up we rallied, and headed off to Mt. Cook. After stopping along the way for a forging of a river and beer for breakfast we got to the Sir. Edmund Hilary visitor center. Sir Edmund wasn’t there, although he did train for Everest by climbing Mt. Cook, a lot. As expected Mt. Cook is covered in snow during this part of the year so we opted to take the track that just has some great views of Mt. Cook instead.

That track also has a never-ending giant staircase and snow as well. As we traveled up it every time we were just about to stop we hit a beautiful view or an awesome cliff face and just had to take it all in. As we continued to go up we casually lost people along the way. Basically we would find an awesome place to just sit and be and someone would stay there. We lost John first, then Michael, then me. Allie, Sesno, Dane, Meg and Gabe apparently climbed trough some awesome snow banks but didn’t make it to the end of the track. Oh well, t’was beautiful regardless.

After climbing down and picking up people along the way, it was time to walk back. After facing the dilemma of where to sleep again we decided the same campsite as the night before was the place to be. This time, we added a campfire and the world was infinitely better, although dinner was slightly less impressive (being cold pasta and veggies and all). This time we ALL piled into the 4 person tent and got really, REALLY cozy. Michael snores, hilarity ensued.

Wake up, drive back, weekend ended. But not before some icing and hilarious sing-a-longs in the car. New Zealand is beautiful place and sometimes when you awake from a car nap it just hits you like never before. Peace, love and everything in between <3

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