Sunday, October 17, 2010

Girl's Week!

Okay, so Olivia and I have decided to live life to the fullest and live everyday like it’s our last. While last week that entailed a tattoo for Olivia and Bungy jumping for me, this week it has meant something quite different.
Girl’s Week.

That’s right, the boys have rented a camper van (hence forth known as Bertha, the man beast that she is and all) for two weeks to travel the West Coast, and in response we shall skip our last week of class and travel the East side of the South Island.

Enter Wilma, our two door, white, miniature car. She only has four gears and she has no CD player. We were worried when we got her. But she proved herself as an Amazonian woman by taking hills like a trooper and with the quick purchase of a Ipod connecter we were set.

Now, the boys needed to be in Christchurch on Tuesday by 4 to pick up Bertha. Obviously they could not arrange their own transport so they hopped into the back of Wilma. After waiting two hours for Davis, he and Michael sat in the back chanting “overtake” and comment on Liv’s driving. It was generally stressful for all. After some southern charm from Davis, he extended the pickup til 5, and we eventually got them there. They were under appreciative. Boys if you are reading this, time to buy us dinner (not Fish and Chips).

Moving on, after we kicked them out of the car, the fun actually began. Cue Olivia being de-stressed and relaxing music, which Michael gets credit for. Drove from Christchurch to Akaroa to spend the night and see some beautiful sunsets.

Wake up in Akaroa, liv’s made breakfast and has collected about 200 leaflets. She is the perfect wife, we are now basically a married couple. Onto to information center (a most handy place featured in almost all New Zealand major towns) to book a dolphin cruise. Arrive to the dolphin cruise, we are the youngest people there by atleast 40 years. Annoying older Americans to be had by all. Came to the realization I am now a Kiwi because I hate American tourists. Actually I hate all tourists, but still America, socks and sandals needs to stop. Now.

Moving on, sea birds, penguins (old news by now) and a 90 foot cave. Then we got to the good stuff, we saw Hector’s dolphins, lots of them! For those who haven’t been on this tour or ever even heard of Hector’s dolphins, they are the world’s smallest ocean dolphin and are the cutest things around. Their dorsal fin is shaped like mickey mouse’s ear. They hung around the boat, it was sunny, the Irish captain said it was the best encounter he had had in months. You are welcome America tourists.

After docking we had a lovely meal of bread for lunch in a seaside café, we then decided to skip the giant’s museum because it was intimidating ie up a hill, we get enough of that in Dunedin thank you. Especially since the sculptures were probably twice the size of Liv and I. Onto Okain’s Bay for the Maori and colonial museum. Yup.

Then we hopped into Wilma, put on some of John’s CDs (the boys only payment for us bringing them to Christchurch) and went onward.

We ended up driving through Christchurch again, and onto Kaikora. Stayed overnight in Kaikora in an adorable hostel with some real uncomfortable beds. Kaikora is a place where whale watching and seal swimming can be had. We however skipped that since it was cloudy and swimming with wild animals is sort of intimidating.

Since we ended up leaving Kaikora around nine, we had a full day of opportunities ahead of us. We of course drove until we hit the Marlborough region and stopped at the first winery we saw. We ended up hitting a total of 8. Which are the following: Montana, Lawson’s Dry Hills, Wither Hills, Highfield, Mahi, Seresin Estate, Huia, and No. 1 Family Estate. Do the Marlborough Wine Tour. Go to Lawson’s Dry Hills and ask for Sue, drink the Guertz and the Dessert Riesiling. We had Wither Hills for lunch, which was reasonable but Highfield had a better menu. When at Highfield climb the tower and look at 360 degree view. Finish it off with No.1 Family Estate, who only does sparkling wine then go directly to the chocolate factory which gives free samples. Happiness will be found.

After our extensive wine tour, we drove onward to Picton. After experiencing some questionable public toilets we then decided the ferry to Wellington was exceptionally overpriced we also decided Picton was a pointless place, so we got coffee and left. Onward to the Queen Charlotte Drive, a most beautiful, scenic route to Havelock which eventually gets us to Nelson. We got sidetracked and ended up driving around the Sounds and saw some beautiful water, hills, tress, and cow combinations. After realizing it was getting late we drove onward and hit Havelock. Found a hostel and crashed after a quick meal of pasta and of course, some organic, Marlborough wine newly purchased.

Woke up bright and early again for some toast sans butter and chocolate milk for breakfast. After a productive morning of driving and pulling over at green sings, put there to mark cool things by the Department of Conservation we headed onward to Nelson. Upon arriving we went to a camera shop and learned yes, Olivia’s camera the only one with us for the week was unfix-able and that black dot would be in all pictures. Awesome, but we would not be stopped. Got a delicious lunch, decided to forgo the mask parade and headed on.

Our next stop was yet another green DOC sign, this time for Kaiteriteri Beach. BEST STOP EVER. We sat on the beach and appreciated the beauty the world had to offer. Pictures to follow! After that we made the decision to skip the boat to Abel Tasmen, with the stipulation we would come back and kayak it soon. Plus it was a solid 200 dollars. Yeah no thanks.

Moving on to yet another green sign as we drove as north as humanly possible on the coast of the South Island we hit Pupu Springs. Beautiful. Again pictures were taken as well as timed photographs, sort of awkward.

After which we had a fabulous night at the Innlet, which has a compost toilet as well as ‘the Web’ which is this net trampoline thing above a stream. Liv and I started early. It’s Saturday at this point, by the way, since I know I had definitely lost track of time. We drove even more north with our eventual goal being Farewell Spit, the northern most point of the South Island and a really BIG sand-dune. However on the way we got very sidetracked by Wharariki Beach. Pictures do more justice than I can, but we walked over some green hills, saw baby seals swimming in a river and hit the coolest beach ever!

After that we ventured to Farewell spit, which is very impressive in pictures and guided tours but not so much when you can’t actually get into the nature reserve. But we had great scones and can technically say we have been to the northern tip of the South Island so that is pretty cool!

After that it was just one long drive downward. We retraced our steps all the back to past Kaiteriteri beach until we could turn off and drive inward instead of along the coast. We then drove for a solid six hours (in which I fell asleep in the car for the first and only time during the trip). Eventually we made it to our last destination, Hamner Springs.

After rolling into town and basically collapsing out of the car, we went to the Springs, which are natural sulfur pools and REALLY hot, and booked massages and an unlimited pass for the next day. After accomplishing this very important task, we went out for a lovely dinner and befriended some “hen” parties.

The next morning we awoke, got a lovely breakfast and soaked all day long. After a few hours we got amazing massages that were definitely the very best way to end our girls week. We then returned to trusty Wilma and returned to Dunedin. As soon as we got home it started raining. Clearly we should have stayed on Girl’s week!

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