Sunday, July 18, 2010


So clearly being in a different country and all one would expect differences, but since New Zealand speaks English and has its roots in England just as America does one would also think, well it can't be that different right. WRONG. This place is majorly different. And I'm not talking about the fact that they speak a completely different kind of English over here, oh no. There are more drastic differences than just that.

To begin, their version of "English". You think American college students have hard slang to understand? See if you can identify the following. Togs, Dosh, Jandals, Choice, and Sweet as

Another major difference that would definitely dishearten the person that hasn't spent some very cold nights in Vermont, there is no central heating in student flats. Let me say it again, there is NO central heating in ANY of the flats. And no insulation either. You want to know what that means to staying warm? Space heaters, extra blankets and LOTS of layers. I now know I will never complain again about being hot because Saint Mike's keeps the heaters in the dorms somewhere near tropical.

They drive on the left side of the road, which is fine because I won't be driving BUT it is very confusing when crossing the street. The whole "right, left, right" saying taught to kids in America for rules when crossing the street, try "left, right, left"

There's way to many to list, but more later!

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