Friday, July 2, 2010

32 Hours of Travel

So as the title implies it took about 32 hours of straight travel to get to New Zealand. Our flight left Boston at 630 in the morning, and Dane got some beautiful pictures of the sunrise over Logan which will be uploading soon. Also met up with some Mike's kids at the terminal, a Mr. Michael Jablonski and Mr. Gregory Bejian.
After a 6 hr flight to LAX, during which we picked up two more IFSA-Butler kids and two more SMCers we had an adventure in LAX. Which consisted of America losing to Ghana, overpriced cheeseburgers, seeing Ice Cube and his family and waiting 13 hours for our flight out. We also set up camp in the airport, all taking naps and getting yelled at by security for racing the luggage carts. Notice Mike protecting everyone's stuff with his eyelids closed:

The flight over was very long. VERY LONG. 13 Hours long. And I couldn't sleep. Which was painful. I watched two movies, ate a lot of food, did way too many Soduko puzzles and listened to everything I had on my Ipod. Arriving in NZ was lovely, a very nice Australian man next to me switched seats so I could be at the window when we came into Auckland. It was 6 in the morning, I had skipped June 27th. Hope I didn't miss anything too special.

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