Friday, August 13, 2010


I have been the absolute worst at updating this thing lately. Unlike Dane who is completely and totally on top of everything with his blogging as well as pictures. I solemnly swear to be better.

Lots has been accomplished in the distant lands south of Oz (Australia). After a hard night of karaoke last night the karaoke machine as proved victorious and I have lost my voice. I sound like a munchkin from the literal land of Oz. Oh well.

Because we are in New Zealand and all the flatmates and I decided it was time to watch all three Lord of a Rings, in the span of three days. It was awesome, the entire complex came and snuggled in the living room. Lots of popcorn and ice cream were consumed.

Still waiting for the recipes from Kevin that I have asked for a thousand times, not like he procrastinates or anything. He's lucky I miss him or I would be a little more angry.

I'm going to go back and finish all the blogs I have started aka titled right now, so take a gander at what has come before.


Saturday, August 7, 2010


Okay, so although my adventures thus far have taken me outside Dunedin, I have never entered another city since orientation and Auckland. So since we are trying to be true Kiwis and support the only true sport (rugby) we decided to travel to Christchurch for the All Black's vs. Wallabies (AUS).

Getting to Christchurch saw the usual friday pattern of travel. Pack quickly, rally the troops, run to the bus stop and get going. But this time it was just Megan and I, since most other people had rented cars and such. So we board the bus. Megan was asleep before we got outside the city limits. I however was not as lucky and got to experience almost a full 6 hours of music of the bus drivers choice. Which was trashy 80's and 90's. Such as "who let the dogs out" and "let's get it started". Just going to throw it out there, these musical creations have a time and place, but that does not include a 6 hour bus ride.

So we arrived in Christchurch and it was then time to hunt down some food and our friends. Found Hannah, Adrian, Anti and Andrew at an amazing Indian restuarant and totally splurged for some DELICIOUS food. Then we found Danekins and hopped in the car to visit our fellow Saint Mike's kids living in Christchurch and attending Canterbury University for the semester, Peter and Alessandra. Fun fact, Canterbury is a solid 20 minute drive out of town. Found them, hung out, jumped another bus then hit the town. Hilarity ensued.

Got to the hostel late, woke up to find out the other kids in our room were actually Otago students and friends of friends. Small world! Spent the day exploring Christchurch, found a great second hand shop that was HUGE, then hunted down our tickets at the stadium to avoid doing it later. After returning to the hostel and collecting all our friends in the kitchen, tailgating began and we bundled up and tattooed up for the All Black's game.

After walking to the stadium, we found our seats and experienced our first real New Zealand sporting event. The All Black's dominated and after a low scoring but highly defensive game we found our way back to the city center for more exploring. After another night like the shenanigans of before we found more Otago kids, and took over the city.

Come 8AM and Meg and I needed to be on our bus home. One word, painful. Luckily though we did not have the crazy bus driver again although we did still have our All Black ferns on our faces. Six hours later and a weekend was gone, although we did have face tattoos to wash off and a whole new aspect of New Zealand culture absorbed!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


So this weekend saw the first of many a camping trip in New Zeeeeeland. On a bright and sunny Friday afternoon we piled twenty five people into two 5 seater cars and a 10 people van. I sat on the floor, it wasn't exactly "safe" but it was fun!

We arrived at our camp site on Purakaunui Bay around 630ish so it was already going dark. While some of us set up the tents, the "men" went and did manly thing. Aka collected branches and made fire. They felt very "manly" aka I'm surprised no one caught on fire.

Hot dogs, rice and veggies, and cookies were consumed. Olivia saw her first shooting star, she was VERY excited. We watched the moon rise all the way from beneath the water to high in the sky. Walked the beach in the dark. Sat around the camp fire, bonded and made new friends. Passed out with a small animal crawling on the other side of the tent. Thank god I realized Olivia left the tent flap open before it was too late.

Woke in the morning to John's wolf blanket and Michael's cranky face. It was raining. People were unhappy. It stopped raining, the sun shined and a rope swing was found. People were happy again. Explored the bay, met some sea lions, forged a river. After sufficient exploring Jethro aka the alpha-male/only kiwi on the trip/tour guide rounded up the troops and we started our trip to explore the peninsula.

Waterfalls were found

beautifully reflective lakes seen

more waterfalls were found, waterfalls were swam

rare penguins and petrified trees were spotted

3 Hour car ride home, John's second time on the "right" side of the road. Scary. But we survived, and headed to pizza hut for dinner.

Cannot wait for more of this type of adventures.